
Ultimate Video Streaming System

XtremeStream is a video streaming system packed with features with unparalleled speed your users will love!


XtremeStream is designed for all kinds of streaming needs.
Are you a streaming website owner? XtremeStream is for you.
Does your business require fast video streaming with lots of features? XtremeStream is for you.
Do you need customizations and various ads placement options? XtremeStream is for you.
Are you looking for a way to monetize your video content? XtremeStream is for you.

With XtremeStream there are two products you can choose from.

Shared Slice: Unbeatable value for money, optimized to scale with our cloud-based storage, and is perfect for individual sites.

Pros: Cheap and scalable.
Cons: Limited encoding capabilities.

Dedicated Slice: Maximum performance with dedicated hardware. Features like custom domain, on-the-fly encoding to add watermarks, and burning subtitles from MKV media. We call it the titan of our industry.

Pros: Powerful and dedicated hardware with priority Telegram support.
Cons: You tell us!

Video Management

Post ID column is used for integration with your site. If you’re using any kind of CMS for running your site, be it WordPress or any other CMS, there’s a Post ID within your CMS to identify the post of your published video.

So if you add that Post ID to XtremeStream, you can easily export it to Excel or XML and use that export file to import to your CMS and run a query to add/replace video links.

For example, if your site is running DooPlay theme, one of the most popular movie/TV tube WordPress themes, you could easily add/replace your video links in the following way:

  • After adding and processing videos click Grid Edit button,

  • Enter Post ID of the corresponding post from your WordPress site,

  • Hit Save button

  • In the videos list select to export Excel or XML file

  • Then you can import the file you got into your site’s database and run a query similar to this one:
INNER JOIN your_imported_table ON wp_postmeta.post_id = your_imported_table.post_id
meta_value = CONCAT('a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"name";s:X:"Your Label";s:6:"select";s:6:"iframe";s:6:"idioma";s:X:"Your Language Code";s:3:"url";s:',LENGTH(your_imported_table.video_uri),':"', your_imported_table.video_uri,'";}}')
wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'repeatable_fields'

Where X’s are the numbers of characters of your label and language code and ‘your_imported_table’ is the name of the table you imported.

That way you can update or replace hundreds or even thousands of video links on your site in minutes.

The process is similar with other WordPress themes and other CMS systems. If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to drop a message or get in touch via Telegram.

Video Playback

Yes it does.

If you want your videos to have 4×3 thumbnail grid preview poster image (before a viewer clicks on a Play button), you just need to enable it in settings.

Just go to Player Settings and select Yes under Poster Thumbnails

If you want same poster image for all your videos, just select No and add a link to your image under Default Poster Image.

XtremeStream supports the following ads types:

  • Google IMA Ads,
  • VAST Ads,
  • VPaid Ads,
  • Overlay Ads,
  • Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads,
  • Javascript Code Ads.

To access ads settings go to System > Users and select options under your username then go to Ads Settings tab.
It’s important to note that Overlay Ads and Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads are only supported by VideoJS player, not by Plyr, PlyrES or JW Player so if you want to use them you need to switch the player to VideoJS.

  • For Google IMA, VAST and VPaid Ads you just select the appropriate type and paste the code you got from the ad network. It’s usually a link to the xml file.
    If you are not registered to any ad network, here’s a link of good one.

  • If you want Overlay Ads on your videos, just select it in the Ads Type dropdown and input your code and desired delay. Here’s an example:
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.veojam.com"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Su5iB69.jpg" alt="Best of Guitar"></a>

If you input (for example) 5 in Overlay Ads Delay, your code will be shown for 5 seconds before the playback of your video starts.
The code will also be shown every time a viewer pauses the video but there will be no delay when a video is paused, just at the beginning of the video.

  • As for Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads, there’s multiple choices. You can define up to 3 Midroll Ads each with a different content, URL, skip time and offset time.
    • Preroll Ad is defined by these 3 fields:
      • Preroll URL is the link of the ad video you want to be shown before your videos start,
      • Preroll Link is the link you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Preroll Skip is the number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.

    • Midroll Ads have a lot more options and are defined in the following way:
      • Midroll URL 1/2/3 are the links of the ad video you want to be shown at the selected time (defined by Midroll Offset) of your videos,
      • Midroll Link 1/2/3 are the links you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Midroll Offset 1/2/3 are the numbers in seconds or percentage after which you want Midroll Ad to start. For example, if you want the first Midroll Ad to start after 3 minutes of your videos, second Midroll Ad to start after 30% of your videos and third Midroll Ad to start after 80% of your videos you need to input ‘180’ in Midroll Offset 1, ‘30%’ in Midroll Offset 2 and ‘80%’ in Midroll Offset 3.
      • Midroll Skip 1/2/3 are number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.
    • Postroll Ads are, similarly to Preroll Ads, defined with 3 fields:
      • Postroll URL is the link of the ad video you want to be shown after your videos end,
      • Postroll Link is the link you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Postroll Skip is the number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.
  • Javascript Code Ads are defined in the Player Settings tab because you can either use it for ads or add a tracking code like FastCounter. Just place your code in the field.

At the moment XtremeStream offers 4 players, each with its own pros and cons.

Those players are:

  • VideoJS
  • Plyr
  • PlyrES
  • JW Player

VideoJS player supports:

  • Casting feature,
  • Watermark logo (with option to define its title and URL link),
  • Trackbar logo (with option to define its title and URL link),
  • Overlay Ads (with option to define your own javascript, HTML or iframe code),
  • Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Custom Ads,
  • VAST/VPaid/GIMA Ads,
  • Custom JavaScript Ads

and it’s been tested with softcode subtitles with Tizen devices with both Casting and direct access through Tizen’s browser.

Plyr on the other hand supports:

  • P2P protocol (using our very own private tracker),
  • Colour change,
  • AirPlay,
  • VAST/VPaid/GIMA Ads
  • Custom JavaScript Ads.

PlyrES has the same features as regular Plyr with one important difference: encrypted softcode sutitles.
That way, no one will be able to download and steal your subtitles but it’s important to note that it can only support one subtitle so if you added several subtitles for the same video, you have to choose which is the primary one and that one will be shown on the video.

JW Player supports:

  • P2P protocol (using our very own private tracker),
  • VAST/VPaid/GIMA Ads,
  • Custom JavaScript Ads.

Yes it does.

In fact, there’s complete module designed specifically for subtitle management to help you get organized.

And, since all four players we’re using, as most modern web players, support WebVTT subtitle format, if you upload .srt subtitle to XtremeStream, it will get converted in .vtt format so you don’t have to use any other third party service.

You can also add as many different subtitles for each video as you like or need so you can have one video with many different subtitle languages.

Only difference is if you use PlyrES, which supports only one subtitle per video.

Video Processing

Once the video has Finished status and it’s been processed in Quick mode (so only one quality present), you can:

  • Reset it (witch will set the video as paused),
  • Disable Quick mode (you can do in bulk for selected videos)
  • Unpause the video and get it processed with the new settings.

Most common use-case scenarios would be adding the video in Quick mode to get it out as fast as possible then adding other qualities afterwards.

When adding videos, be it via GDrive Folder or by adding links, there’s an option to add them in paused state so they’re not processed right after adding which gives you the ability to edit options for each of them individually (choose Quick mode for some of them, change Type/Category) and then you need to…

…select to unpause them.

When Quick mode is enabled XtremeStream processes the video in original quality only so if your source is (for example) 1080p, resulting video has only that quality, not 480/720 too. It’s designed to get the video published as fast as possible.

To be honest, it really depends on the source.
If your source is compatible with HLS protocol (h264/aac) and you enabled quick option while adding the video, then it can be really REALLY fast. Like, in minutes.
But if your source is (for example) 4K hevc/ac3 and you decided to disable quick option while adding the video, then it can take a while. Up to 2 hourse, depending on the server’s CPU.

Dedicated to building the best video streaming service to suit all your needs.


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