
XtremeStream supports the following ads types:

  • Google IMA Ads,
  • VAST Ads,
  • VPaid Ads,
  • Overlay Ads,
  • Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads,
  • Javascript Code Ads.

To access ads settings go to System > Users and select options under your username then go to Ads Settings tab.
It’s important to note that Overlay Ads and Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads are only supported by VideoJS player, not by Plyr, PlyrES or JW Player so if you want to use them you need to switch the player to VideoJS.

  • For Google IMA, VAST and VPaid Ads you just select the appropriate type and paste the code you got from the ad network. It’s usually a link to the xml file.
    If you are not registered to any ad network, here’s a link of good one.

  • If you want Overlay Ads on your videos, just select it in the Ads Type dropdown and input your code and desired delay. Here’s an example:
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.veojam.com"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Su5iB69.jpg" alt="Best of Guitar"></a>

If you input (for example) 5 in Overlay Ads Delay, your code will be shown for 5 seconds before the playback of your video starts.
The code will also be shown every time a viewer pauses the video but there will be no delay when a video is paused, just at the beginning of the video.

  • As for Preroll/Midroll/Postroll Ads, there’s multiple choices. You can define up to 3 Midroll Ads each with a different content, URL, skip time and offset time.
    • Preroll Ad is defined by these 3 fields:
      • Preroll URL is the link of the ad video you want to be shown before your videos start,
      • Preroll Link is the link you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Preroll Skip is the number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.

    • Midroll Ads have a lot more options and are defined in the following way:
      • Midroll URL 1/2/3 are the links of the ad video you want to be shown at the selected time (defined by Midroll Offset) of your videos,
      • Midroll Link 1/2/3 are the links you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Midroll Offset 1/2/3 are the numbers in seconds or percentage after which you want Midroll Ad to start. For example, if you want the first Midroll Ad to start after 3 minutes of your videos, second Midroll Ad to start after 30% of your videos and third Midroll Ad to start after 80% of your videos you need to input ‘180’ in Midroll Offset 1, ‘30%’ in Midroll Offset 2 and ‘80%’ in Midroll Offset 3.
      • Midroll Skip 1/2/3 are number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.
    • Postroll Ads are, similarly to Preroll Ads, defined with 3 fields:
      • Postroll URL is the link of the ad video you want to be shown after your videos end,
      • Postroll Link is the link you want viewers to be directed to when they click on the ad video,
      • Postroll Skip is the number of seconds after which viewer is given the choice to skip the ad.
  • Javascript Code Ads are defined in the Player Settings tab because you can either use it for ads or add a tracking code like FastCounter. Just place your code in the field.