Post ID column is used for integration with your site. If you’re using any kind of CMS for running your site, be it WordPress or any other CMS, there’s a Post ID within your CMS to identify the post of your published video.
So if you add that Post ID to XtremeStream, you can easily export it to Excel or XML and use that export file to import to your CMS and run a query to add/replace video links.
For example, if your site is running DooPlay theme, one of the most popular movie/TV tube WordPress themes, you could easily add/replace your video links in the following way:
UPDATE wp_postmeta INNER JOIN your_imported_table ON wp_postmeta.post_id = your_imported_table.post_id SET meta_value = CONCAT('a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:4:"name";s:X:"Your Label";s:6:"select";s:6:"iframe";s:6:"idioma";s:X:"Your Language Code";s:3:"url";s:',LENGTH(your_imported_table.video_uri),':"', your_imported_table.video_uri,'";}}') WHERE wp_postmeta.meta_key = 'repeatable_fields'
Where X’s are the numbers of characters of your label and language code and ‘your_imported_table’ is the name of the table you imported.
That way you can update or replace hundreds or even thousands of video links on your site in minutes.
The process is similar with other WordPress themes and other CMS systems. If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to drop a message or get in touch via Telegram.